Interviewee List

Interview Date: 15 March 2025 (Saturday)


1. Group discussion in Cantonese for about 5 minutes under a given situation

2. Interaction with the interviewer in both English and Cantonese for about 10 minutes


1. Please bring along the original of the followings:

  • Invitation letter
  • ID card of the student
  • P5 & P6 Student Handbooks (手冊) and
  • Homework Record books (家課冊) (if any)

2. Please keep your candidate number in mind for registration and grouping purposes.

3. The interview will last about an hour. Parents do not need to attend the interview.

4. Dress code: School uniform or casual wear


1. Please arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled interview time.

2. No changes can be made to the date and time slot. If you cannot attend the interview, please inform Miss Wu Shuk Ching (Tel: 2389 3082) in advance.

3. If there is an EDB announcement of cancellation of all classes, the interview will be rescheduled. In this case, please refer to our school website ( for arrangements and applicants will not be notified individually by mail.

Our school will admit 41 students from the interview. Parents of successful candidates will be contacted via mail and phone on 31 March 2025. Applicants who submitted their applications through the e-platform will receive notification through the platform.