Contact Us

For any suggestions and advices regarding the school and the web site, please feel free to enquire through the following ways:

Address:Shun Lee Catholic Secondary School
7 Shun Chi Street, Shun Lee Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Telephone Number:(852) 2389-3082
Fax Number:(852) 2389-4111
Web Site:

Bus Routes:

23, 23M, 27, 29M, 42, 619

Minibus Routes:

47 (Shun Lee --> Kwun Tong MTR Station (Chui Ping))
48 (Shun Lee --> Kowloon Bay)
54M (Choi Hung MTR Station --> Shun Lee)
60 (Lam Tin--> Shun Lee)

Location Map: