Message from Principal 2023-2024

Praise be to God! After three years, the pandemic has finally come to an end, signifying the return to normalcy in campus life. Through the collaboration of the IMC, our teachers, parents, alumni, and students, school life has almost returned to its pre-pandemic state. The school is once again filled with vitality and laughter, providing students with various activities to enrich their lives and unleash their potential.


Over the years, the school has cultivated self-regulated learning in students through the 4P learning model. The consistently impressive performance of the school in public examinations can be attributed to the unwavering dedication of the teachers and the diligent efforts of the students. This achievement serves as a clear testament to the commitment exhibited by both teachers and students. Furthermore, Shunleers have demonstrated their excellence not only in academics but also across a diverse range of fields. Examples include winning championships in Boy's C Grade Handball and Girl's C Grade Volleyball, delivering remarkable drama performances at Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre, initiating the service project "Bring Bread For You," and receiving awards in STEM competitions in the last academic year. These accomplishments showcase the multi-talented nature and immense potential of Shunleers.


As we strive to nurture the holistic development of our students, we incorporate the five core values of Catholic education into the overall curriculum framework of Catholic values education by participating in the Catholic School Religious Education Support Program in this academic year. Our objectives of engaging in this program are to consolidate the school's values, highlight relevant virtues, identify the character strengths that students should strive for, develop performance indicators, and seamlessly integrate them into the curriculum across various subjects. Additionally, by implementing the positive education curriculum in S3, students will acquire the skills to face diverse challenges with a positive mindset and actively pursue their aspirations. This highlights the school's strong commitment to fostering the students' development grounded in values.


In the homily of the Closing Mass of the World Youth Day 2023, inspired by the Gospel of the Transfiguration, Pope Francis reminded the youth to "shine" the light of God, "listen" to the word of God, and "be unafraid" to change the world. With God as our guide, let this year be one of growth and transformation for each and every one of us. By shining our light, together we can make a difference and leave a lasting impact on our school, our community, and beyond.


Thank you and May God Bless Your All!

Lee Yuen Ping Yoshie
